Household Electrical Installation in Cheshire

Electricians for Household Electrical Installation & Maintenance

Cheshire based L B PLUMBING can provide expert electricians to handle a full range of electrical installation services. Your personal saftey is a top priority, so don’t attempt any electrical installations yourself. Poorly installed electrical appliances can be a fire risk so instead of attempting them yourself call LB Plumbing. We’re trustworthy, reliable, affordable and you can rest assured you will recieve a professional service.

Our professional and qualified electricians work with you to ensure complete satisfaction on all work carried out. Our services range from complete property re-wiring to small electrical repairs or additions. We offer a helpful, and friendly service.

We understand that safety is paramount in the home. As such, all electrical work is carried out by one of our qualified electricians to the highest standards.

We offer a full range of electrical installation services. These include include:

  • Complete rewiring of flats and houses
  • Providing additional electric sockets or lighting
  • Upgrading fuse-boards and earthing
  • Periodic electrical testing
  • Electrical installation of smoke alarms and heat detectors
  • Electrical installation of outside lighting
  • Electrical installation of showers
  • Electrical installation of immersion heaters & central heating controls
  • Electrical installation of new appliances and fittings
  • Electrical inspection reports prior to purchase
  • Trouble shooting electrical problems

Household electrics should be safety checked at least every 10 years.

At L B PLUMBING we provide full electrical safety tests for your home, giving you peace of mind for you and your family.

Book your home safety check now. Call : 07739725356コンドル ポリシャー CP-8型 階段用(ポリッシャー 床用) 【3900円以上送料無料】
【ロイヤル胡蝶蘭5本立W 532A300】 500円offクーポン配布中? (陶器鉢のためラッピング不可)光触媒人工植物 光の楽園 《アートグリーン》《人工観葉植物》メーカー直送のため代引きは不可です
【鑑別書付】K18イエローゴールド 天然ダイヤモンドリング ダイヤ0.50ct 9号 ハーフエタニティリング【S1】
物置・屋外 おしゃれ 物置き 大型 小屋 小型:ヨド物置エスモ ESE-1305A[G-467]【smtb_s】【あす楽対応不可】
ルームエアコン おもに6畳用 Fシリーズ 2017年モデル CS-227CF-Wエアコン 6畳 ルームエアコン 家庭用 Panasonic 季節家電 パナソニック 【TD】 【代引不可】
【ポイント最大11倍】 ヨコ型 竹製 ポポラ ニチベイ ナチュラル モダン バンブーブラインド ループコード式 幅 140 ×高さ 200 cmまで
2017年コイズミ学習デスク【YDKG-f】 02P12Jun12
3個セットごはん鍋 信楽焼三合御飯鍋(信楽焼) [ 25.5 x 21 x 14cm ] 料亭 旅館 和食器 飲食店 業務用

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