Energy Efficient Boiler Installation in Cheshire

Boiler Annual Safety Check and Service

LB Plumbing offer a annual safety check and service to ensure your boiler installation is working properly. An annual boiler check and service is important to ensure the boiler is working to the specifications designed by the boiler manufacturer as well as for your own personal saftey. The safety check and service will give you peace of mind and help prolong the life whilst reducing the risk of faults resulting in costly repairs.

We can advise on the best option for your boiler installation

As there are various types of boiler installation, Cheshire based LB Plumbing can help select the right option for you and ensure installation is carried out professionally and with your personal saftey top of our priority. Many factors could Windows influence the options available to you, such as the location you live in, the design of your house, energy efficiency so its vital you get in touch with LB Plumbing to advise on the best solution.

Boiler heating and boiler installation upgrades

LB Plumbing offer an upgrade service for your central heating needs. If you want to get the most out of your existing system or would like some advice on what’s best for you. Give us a call so we can discuss what’s best for you.

LB Plumbing can advise on the greenest boiler installation. We understand more and more people are concerned with reducing their carbon footprint as well making energy cost savings.

All the Condensing Boilers we install are all High efficiency boilers due to high concern of our carbon footprint.
we can replace your traditional boilers that produce around 70% of energy efficiency, with the high efficiency A rated boilers that have an efficiency rating over 90%.

Combi Boilers on the other hand are the most popular boilers, a combi boiler is, a highly efficient water heater and central heating boiler combined in a single unit. The advantage of a combi boiler is that hot water is delivered through your taps or shower head at high pressure, with a performance of upto 26ltrs of hot water a minute.

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